Bridge the gap at the gaming table
RetinAid Tabletop is a phone app whose mission is to make the immense world of board games better accessible for the blind and the sight impaired
Open up the world of board games
Install the app
RetinAid: Tabletop is compatible with iOS and Android phones.
Add Games
Build up a library inside the app containing the supported boardgames you own by scanning their barcodes.
Select a game from your in app library and RetinAid Tabletop will sight describe the cards for you, explaining their function.
This is how it works
Easy to use
Place a card around 10 centimeters (around 4 inches) from your phone camera, facing it and you will get a sight description.

Your game library
Build up a library in the app of the games you own. If you sell off a game, you can delete it from the library.

Quickly find a game
Start typing in the search field and your library list will instantly change to contain only the relevant game, or games.

Detection timer
To conserve your battery you can choose to automatically stop searching for cards to detect after a set time or when a card is detected.

Supported games
Retinaid Tabletop already supports hundreds of popular games and the list is growing.
See list of supported games.

Play with friends
Bring your friends to the gaming table whether they be blind or seeing. Let's work together to make the gaming hobby more inclusive.